Create a life where you have the freedom to spend more time with your loved ones, pursuing your passions, and limitless guilt-free luxuriating. 

This one-of-a-kind guided money program will get you clear on….workbook course will get you clear on what's blocking you, how to manage it, while creating a simple and straightforward action plan that feels fun and abundant AF to you!

I’ve cut out all the fluff, as we aren’t available for unnecessary busy work, and get right to the point of showing you the business of MAKING MORE while WORKING LESS. 

My approach is unique as I come at things sideways. As long as you are open and willing to learn a new way of operating, this ground breaking course WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 

At this moment, you are likely working incredibly hard to maintain your lifestyle and want off this exhausting hamster wheel, but haven’t been able to figure out how. 

The people I coach typically fall into two categories:

#1- They are making great money, but trading so much time and energy for it! There isn’t any feeling of true freedom or wealth in their lives. 

#2- They want to make life-changing cash, and change their money-story, but they don’t know where to even start.

Neither one knows how, which puts them into a feeling of frustration. Which then ignites fear-based thoughts. Which then ends in them being frozen in analysis-paralysis trying to “figure it all out.” (Sound familiar?) 


Create a life where you have the freedom to spend more time with your loved ones, pursuing your passions, and limitless guilt-free luxuriating. 

This one-of-a-kind guided money program will get you clear on…. will get you clear on what's blocking you, how to manage it, while creating a simple and straightforward action plan that feels fun and abundant AF to you!

I’ve cut out all the fluff, as we aren’t available for unnecessary busy work, and get right to the point of showing you the business of MAKING MORE while WORKING LESS. 

My approach is unique as I come at things sideways. As long as you are open and willing to learn a new way of operating, this ground breaking course WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 

At this moment, you are likely working incredibly hard to maintain your lifestyle and want off this exhausting hamster wheel, but haven’t been able to figure out how. 

The people I coach typically fall into two categories:

#1- They are making great money, but trading so much time and energy for it! There isn’t any feeling of true freedom or wealth in their lives. 

#2- They want to make life-changing cash, and change their money-story, but they don’t know where to even start.

Neither one knows how, which puts them into a feeling of frustration. Which then ignites fear-based thoughts. Which then ends in them being frozen in analysis-paralysis trying to “figure it all out.” (Sound familiar?) 
I know because I spent much of my life trapped in a belief system that kept me bankrupt of joy, freedom, serenity, and time.

Yes I made a lot of money, but I was working 12-14 hours a day 6 days a week. It’s wasn't until i literally almost worked myself to death that I was forced to figure out a different way. I wasn’t willing to give up my luxury lifestyle that I built for myself, but I also knew I couldn’t keep trading all of my time and energy for money. It was robbing me of my life and my health.

So I decided to start a new business with an experimental approach…prioritizing my physical and mental health first, while working much less and making more money. No, I didn’t know for certain my new way was going to work, but the cost was too high to not try.

So six years ago, I took myself on a dream trip to the Greek Islands, and it was my way to declare to myself and the Universe, that I was no longer available for a soul-sucking exhausting life. 

I promised myself and the God of my understanding, that IF my wealth experiment worked out, I would teach millions of other people exactly how to do the same with zero gatekeeping. 



Join the hundreds and hundreds of people who’ve uncovered their hidden money blocks, and changed their money story into one of pure abundance!

💸 🎉 💸


It’s time to create your PINCH-ME LIFE.

67+ Page Interactive Printable Workbook + 5 Guided Video Modules

“I used to make 13K a year, and in just one month following Tiffany’s genius guidance, I made 16K in 10 days!”
- Jeska Lawrence, Permanent Makeup & Tattoo Artist, and Business Coach for Beauty Professionals 

“Literally decades of working myself sick to make money were erased in just weeks of applying Tiffany’s money healing techniques and money-making strategies. I’ve quit my soul-sucking job and working 1/3 of what I used to, and I’m making at least 4 times more. Tiffany has changed my life, and she will change yours too, if you learn from her.”
- Maria Sanchez, Corporate drop out turned Course Creator 

In the 16 years I’ve coached, led, managed, and directed well over 150,000 people worldwide, I’ve come to a proven conclusion that in order to make more money while working less three key things have to occur:

1. Uncovering your deeper subconscious resistance to money and success, and learning how to manage those fears when they come up. 

2. Forming a “this is possible for me” belief, and shifting from a “how is this going to happen?” mindset trap to a millionaire action-based mindset, “I’m making this happen. Period.”

3. Having a simple, doable, step-by-step plan that feels good and fun to you. Moving you from a “I have to do _____,” to a “I get to do _______.”

I will personally be coaching you through each of these pivotal money-making pillars. This workbook course is your next simple action step to creating your pinch-me life. 

The only thing that can now stand between where you are at right now, and where you want to be, is YOU deciding it’s time. 

“ I was over 100K in student loan debt seeing clients 12-hours a day. After being coached by Tiffany, I am now at a minimum of making 50K a month consistently, working part-time, from my new custom built dream home in Montana. Plus I absolutely love what I do.”
- Dr. Morgan Anderson, Relationship Coach and Podcast Host “Let’s Get Vulnerable” 


In case you’re wondering, “Who is this Tiffany Carter chic and why should I learn from her?” here’s a snapshot of my back story…

My severely abusive childhood left me with a big bag of wounds and zero self-worth. I was taught that in order to be successful and wealthy, you had to make MAJOR sacrifices and outwork everyone else. 

So I spent my 20's and half of my 30's working 12 hour days, usually 6 and even 7 days a week. While this did get me awards in my corporate career, and a six-figure salary…it cost me my health, relationships, joy, and mental sanity. 

My goal was to have a million dollars in the bank by the time I was 30. I achieved that goal almost to the penny ($1,000,004.27 to be exact). Within minutes of realizing I DID IT, the feeling of pride quickly shifted into fear and dread. Three months later, I lost almost all of it!
This shocking loss, woke me up to the realization that my inner wounds were repelling the abundance I so badly wanted. 
So I spent the last ten years immersing myself in studying and implementing manifestation and money mindset practices into my life. I know exactly what works and what doesn’t, and now I have the privilege and honor to help millions of people heal their money wounds through my programs, and my Top 30 Podcast Worldwide ProejectME with Tiffany Carter.

If you are still reading, I’m proud of you for taking this step towards healing. When we avoid doing the deep self-worth work, and repairing the “money noise” (as I call it) in our minds, it is IMPOSSIBLE to attract or keep the money, the freedom, and the love we desire. 


Coach Tiff
"I would have paid you 100K for this coaching and clear strategy. I’ve made more money in one year than I didn’t the prior 3 years that I resisted working with you. My only regret is I wish I hired you sooner". 

-Rita Ramirez, Life Coach for Trauma Survivors 

The materials and intellectual property provided in this workbook course are copyright protected, and are exclusive to Tiffany Carter, and the ProjectME Business Coaching Academy (parent company is TLC Enterprises, LLC). 
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